Sweet Nectar Society



Cash :: Pineoblastoma

Sweet Cash will be remembered as a superhero to many, a friend, a brother, and a son.  Cash touched many lives during his 5 years he spent on this earth; his personality stole our hearts, his smile brightened our day, his strength inspired us.  Cash’s battle began with Pineoblastoma at the tender age of 4, when this rambunctious boy began getting headaches and had uncontrollable vomiting.  He was taken to the hospital where his family was told he had a virus and sent home-  this did not settle with his mom’s Super Mommy Instincts and she took him to Children’s Hospital for further testing.  An MRI showed a brain tumor and a parents worst fear settled in- CANCER.

Cash never complained about his situation, he took each treatment, test, and surgery as it came, and his braveness and tireless strength helped his lift his families spirits during this time.

After a long hard fight Cash’s cancer took over and Cash Shank passed away on February 6, 2014.  The Shank family and Cash will always be in our hearts.

Pineoblastoma is a rare malignant brain tumor which forms from the pineal gland (near the center of the head and brain). This tumor grows very quickly and is extremely invasive. For more information on Pineoblastoma or Childhood brain tumors please visit www.pineoblastoma.com.

Session Info


•A free photography session

•A digital gallery of images

•A keepsake book

•A platform to raise awareness

•Story shared for support


Provides documentary type photography session to patients currently admitted to the hospital.

•A digital gallery of images

•A keepsake photo


Portrait session events designed to raise awareness to a specific diagnosis, build community, and celebrate Sweeties.

•A digital gallery of images

•A keepsake photo

(559)408.5969 | info@sweetnectarsociety.org

Sweetly rooted in California